Inheritance Law is a legal discipline that regulates the fate of the property of deceased real persons and private law relations. Along with other laws, the Turkish Civil Code No. 4722 governs the Inheritance Law regulations. Inheritance law, which is regulated in the third book of the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721, has found an area of ​​regulation between articles 495 and 683. All issues of inheritance, such as a certificate of inheritance, successor collusion, entitlement to inheritance, fulfillment of will, rejection of inheritance, criticism, equalization in inheritance, deprivation of inheritance and annulment of death-related dispositions fall within the scope of regulation of inheritance law.

Heritage; It refers to the whole of the private law relations inherited by the death of the real person and the heirs. The person with whom the legal relations belonging to him are arranged with his death is defined as the inheritor. The legator can only be a real person. Because death is a situation specific to real people only. Inheritance according to the law of inheritance; He is the person who has the right on the inheritance of the inheritance. The heir can be a legal heir or an appointed heir.

Another important issue that falls within the scope of regulation of Inheritance Law is inheritance. Inheritance is the private law relations that are passed on to the heirs with the death of the legator. The personal relations of the legator are not considered within the scope of inheritance. Because such relationships are relationships that end with the death of the legator. Death-related savings are matters that the legator wishes to fulfill after his death. Testament and inheritance contracts are examples of testamentary dispositions.